Our Mission:
We partner with young people to inspire the next generation of radically empathetic decision makers.
Radical Empathy
We’re building radically empathetic communities through humble curiosity, personal responsibility, restorative practices, and unbounded creativity.
Why Summer Camp?
Summer Camp
Summer camp should be a place where we create the world we want our kids to live in and inspire them to re-imagine what is possible when they leave.
Embracing Conflict Through
Restorative Practices
Active peacemaking requires direct, respectful, and creative communication. It can be hard. We aren’t perfect and strive to embrace difficult conversations not run from them.
Camper Parent
“You have mastered the art of intentional but also fluid and flexible play. I don’t have an exact word for the type of growth Izzy experiences in those two weeks every summer - a combination of maturity, empathy, empowerment, and confidence that only comes from the types of freedom you give these kids, along with the tools to embrace it in a diverse setting. It’s just magical!”

Connect with kids, make lifelong friends, build real skills. Each summer 60+ passionate young-ish adults gather at Stomping Ground to make camp possible. Are you ready for the hardest job you never want to end?
Learn More.
Get Involved
They say you’re the combination of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Most kids spend time with other kids, mostly just like them. At Stomping Ground, we hope to break that paradigm, but we need your help.
We need your time, ideas, donations, and connections. You make Stomping Ground possible. Thank you.
Email Laura - laura@campstompingground.org
Register for Summer Camp
Programs for kids ages 6-16 starting June 29th.
Work with us
The best, hardest, silliest, job you can imagine. Summer applications open in November.
Make a Donation
Connect the disconnected. Change the way the people see difference.