Drum roll please! Let me introduce to you our Chef for the summer Nicki Marenus. We are thrilled to have Nicki Marenus on the Stomping Ground team, she is definitely a part of our family. During the fall winter and spring months Nicki is a chef at a local college where she is passionate about cooking wholesome healthy food for on the go college kids. We were lucky enough to find her this past year and we hit it off immediately! 

The kitchen is central to the happiness and vitality of camp. Nicki shares our passion for food cooked from scratch with real, wholesome ingredients. She also understands that food provides more than just nutrition to so many kids, good food can be comforting and emotionally satisfying as well.

Nicki food will provide the energy that kids need and the comfort they are craving. The other night Jack and I were atNicki’s house for dinner and to talk over some of the details for this summer. She cooked us some delicious, mac and cheese! I can't wait till you try it this summer!

Nicki believes that fresh food is important because your body feels better after you eat it, she knows that providing food with high nutritional value will help keep kids playing all day long.

Nicki says that her passion for food come from her family. She says “As a kid, the my favorite memories are from the dinner table, at Sunday dinner, surrounded by family, food, and love. I like that to be the way I cook, full of passion and love.

Nicki is excited to join us this summer to in part fulfill her childhood dream to go to camp! She says she feels lucky to take part in a such a wholesome program, surrounded by happy kids, getting to do what she loves.

What are you looking forward to eating at camp this summer!?



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