"We Are Camp" Visioning Reflection
Below one of our most adamant supporters and SG parents, Melissa, gives us a reflection of the visioning workshop that took place in October 2020. She was one of the first folks to see the months of work we put together with our architect, Ryan. These plans outlined the potential future of what our new facility could look like, and we were so grateful to have Melissa and others share their wisdom and insight. - Ray
My daughter Lina wears her black Radical Empathy sweatshirt everywhere. When people ask about it, she proudly explains it’s from her summer camp. I give a similar explanation when asked about the Stomping Ground sticker on my laptop. Sometimes I elaborate that Stomping Ground is the only place Lina wants to return to each year; it’s where she wants to work when she turns 18. Stomping Ground has become part of her identity, broadened her perspective, taught her essential life skills. Count us among the superfans.
Melissa helped paint our new dining hall!
A few weeks ago, I joined several other parent fans for an online “visioning workshop” with the Stomping Ground team and architect Ryan Koella. With the thoughtfulness, energy, and creativity that characterizes Stomping Ground, the team presented maps, architectural diagrams, and a video tour of the new Saratoga Springs site. The parents enthusiastically listed the camp’s many assets: natural beauty (Two lakes! Trails! Trees!), renovated facilities (A dining hall with a view! A pristine bath house!), spacious new cabins, the amphitheater, pirate ship, sports fields, and the multipurpose Nova Arts Center with its glorious Black Lives Matters mural. This led to a discussion of expanded programming potential. We could see a gardening program, various workshops, performing arts, artist retreats. It was invigorating to discuss the possibilities and enlightening to hear the suggestions of the architect and educators in our parent group. Our discussion felt substantive and unifying.
Turning our attention to camp challenges, we asked about the pandemic’s impact. Is onsite camp realistic for Summer 2021? If so, how would it function? We learned Stomping Ground began safety planning last spring and built the new cabins with physical distancing in mind. We can expect to hear more on this soon.
Lina participating in a night game at camp
Additional challenges identified included water and road safety, especially for younger campers, and the need to restrict access to unrenovated areas around the expansive property. Addressing the potential for more programs and participants, our group shared a priority for Stomping Ground to maintain its intimate feel, to continue favorite routines and rituals, to remain true to its character as it expands. We talked about logical gathering places, ways to define camp walkways and play areas, while underscoring the importance of allowing campers to forge their own paths, create their own activities, find their own fun.
Lina painting new benches at camp!
I left the workshop excited about Stomping Ground’s evolution and the experiences that await campers. I also felt a deep appreciation for Laura, Jack, and the team for including us in the visioning session. As one parent said: “We are all Stomping Ground. Stomping Ground is us.” After this devastating year, we know Stomping Ground is more important than ever. And we know that when we send kids to Stomping Ground, we are doing more than guaranteeing them a good time; we are supporting a mission and growing a community that makes the world better. Isn’t it good to be together in this important work (and play)? I hope you’ll join the fandom and share your ideas, expertise, and resources. And don’t forget your fan wear.