Visioning 2020
Visioning 2020
With a new property, we have an opportunity to re-imagine what Stomping Ground can look like moving forward. This property is an amazing tool to help further the mission of Stomping Ground and help inspire the next generation of radically empathetic decision-makers. These documents and videos reflect the beginning of an iterative process toward that goal. I hope you will join us in dreaming big and thinking individually.
The visioning process starts with understanding where we are now. Surveying, talking with, campers, parents, partners, donors, and community members to dig into what makes Stomping Ground special, where are there opportunities for growth, and what might come next?
We are working with Ryan Koella, an architect, camp guy, and Saratoga Springs native, to move this process forward. Many of you have participated already by talking with us, filling out surveys, or sitting in on town halls. THANK YOU!
Initial Maps
Below are some of the blobby maps we have been working with to get the ball rolling. You will notice they give an overview of the future, and leave enormous room to iterate as we learn and grow in this new site.

More Context
This powerpoint give some background and more context for how these maps have been developed and the process we are using to turn vague dreams into reality. We are balancing continuing to work everyday to improve the property while also zooming out to see where we are going.
Get Involved
We want to hear from you. We will be hosting a variety of virtual town halls, individual conversations, texts, emails, anyway we can hear your thoughts.
Virtual Town Halls
These will be hour long interactive Zoom conversations designed to answer questions and generate ideas, concerns, and possibilities.
RSVP by emailing Ray -
Dec 8th - 1pm EST
Dec 14th - 7pm EST
If you can’t make one of these, and want to talk more send Jack an email.